
3 posts

OC Transpo

From creative articles that encourage customers to use public transit, to transforming high-level information into visual and intuitive content that is easily-digestible by all, I’ve developed much of the content that you see on…

Homework Club Handbook for Critical Hours Programming

Members of the Ottawa Child and Youth Initiative (OCYI) have expressed a need formore information on creating a homework club handbook for programs across the city.This handbook is meant to be a resource for volunteers and staff who are lookingfor best practices, evidence-based strategies, and tools for either creating a […]

Frontline Reflections Blog

How Does Learning Happen? When a baby is  born, he/she already knows how to breathe, blink, cry, drink, and sleep. But in order to fully adapt to its new surroundings, that baby will have to learn other  complex, skills. Some of these skills can be directly taught, but others must […]